Matlab 2024b Online Installer Instructions

This instruction is for a Matlab installation using the online installer (not a full disk image), where the installer will download the required files over the internet. Instructions below are created on an Apple Silicon computer.

  • Install a Java runtime for installation on Apple Silicon computers.
  • Create a free MathWorks account using your UD email address.
  • Sign in to your MathWorks account.
  • If you have not linked a license, you should see a “Link a License” link. Click on the link.
    • Enter in our license number.
    • Please contact your local IT support to obtain the license number for UD.
  • On your computer, run the downloaded online installer dmg file and double click on “InstallForMacOSAppleSilicon’.
  • Enter in your email address and password for your MathWorks account.
  • Read License Agreement and select Yes if agree. Click Next to continue.
  • UD license number should be listed in the “Select license” screen if you followed the instructions above to link the license number. Click next to continue.
Screen capture of the select licensing prompt for MATLAB installation.
  • Browse to the location where you saved the license.dat file. You must add a valid license file or you will not be able to complete the installation.
Screen capture of the select license file prompt for MATLAB installation.
  • Follow the rest of the prompt to completion.