Wi-Fi eduroam SecureW2 Wrapper Not Opening on Apple macOS

If you are looking for general eduroam wireless set up instructions, please read Use Get Started at UD to sign-up for eduroam Wi-Fi instructions.

General description of the issue

The instructions below is to resolve instances of the SecureW2 WiFi wrapper not opening on macOS computers. If you are unsure whether this applies to you, please consult your local IT support. This is typically encountered on macOS computers where eduroam Wi-Fi were set up previously. In the screen capture image example below, double clicking or right clicking to select open on the SecureW2 WiFi_JoinNow_Wrapper app fails to start the app.

Screen capture image of the eduroam WiFi wrapper app.


  • Open Keychain Access. You can find it in the Launchpad > Other section or in your Applications > Utilities section. Click on “Open Keychain Access”.
Screen capture image of opening the Keychain Access app on macOS.
  • In the Keychain Access app, make sure “login” is selected in the left pane.
Screen capture image of selecting the login items in the Keychain Access app on macOS.
  • Locate and delete these three certificates
    • youremail@udel.edu certificate
    • clearpass-2.nss.udel.edu certificate
    • GlobalSign root certificate
Screen capture image of the certificate selections in the Keychain Access app on macOS.

  • Close Keychain Access and run the SecureW2 WiFi_JoinNow_Wrapper app.